Keeping Your Home Safe While You Travel

Keep your home safe while you travel

Traveling comes with its own stress and worries. Itineraries, lists, other travelers, layovers, packing, vaccination status, passports, and so much more….. being away from home can wear you out, even on vacation. The last thing you need is the added stress of worrying about the safety of your home. Before heading out, take these steps to ensure your home is safe and secure while you travel.

Smart Home Security

Smart home security systems can be remotely monitored and controlled. Homeowners can set up cameras and sensors to track movement or sounds. Your system connects everything in your home to keep you safe and secure. Connected smoke and CO detectors alert you and your monitoring service too. You can enjoy your vacation without worrying about what is happening while you are away. Get some professional signage and post it around the property. Keep some indications of security plain to see. This front-line defense can stop burglars before they even step foot on your property.

Set Lighting Scenes

A house that stays dark from daybreak to sunset is a clear signal for burglars. Setting up scenes with your smart home devices is one great way to deter troublemakers. Set up lighting routines that mimic a standard daily schedule with smart lighting, including inside and outside lights. If the intruders don’t realize you’re gone, they’ll be more inclined to stay away.

Don’t Advertise Your Absence
Millions of homes are burglarized every year. While not a guarantee, keeping your plans to yourself is one of the best steps you can follow to avoid becoming a statistic. Avoid letting others know that your house is empty. Ask your neighbors or a family member to pick up mail and packages. Avoid posting any details on social media; particularly specific dates, times, and locations that could create a schedule for burglars to follow. Keep your pictures off the web until you’re home.

Invest In Battery Backup

Batter Backups

Without power, your home is a potential catastrophe! Smart automation will be useless without electricity.
Even without the threat of burglary, a home without power is a disaster waiting for your return. Fridges will be something you definitely do not want to experience when you return! In the winter, pipes can freeze and burst without heat. Mold can form from a lack of fresh air. No power leads to horrible things.

Vacation prep doesn’t end with a full suitcase. Making sure the home is ready for your absence is just as important, if not more so. Automation can address many issues that homeowners face while away. Set up lighting routines and living schedules. These systems will not only protect your home while you’re gone, but they can also make your life much easier when you return. Contact us to learn more and get these routines set up. Get those bags packed and prepare for vacation!