Benefits of a Smart Home

Let’s start with “what is a smart home?” - A smart home is a series of devices and appliances, consisting of anything from thermostats and lighting to fridges and smart speakers. All of these things run off of your home network. Each appliance and/or device can be operated independently and remotely. Each can also affect the other. At the center of it all is your smart home hub. From here, everything can be controlled, whether it’s through the flick of a finger or a simple voice command. With this centralized control, devices bring peace of mind and security, comfort and convenience, and actually save you money.

Peace of Mind

For parents, smart devices are extremely helpful. Set smart lights to turn off automatically as your child falls asleep or turn on in the hallway when they get up. Set the lights to the right levels conducive to studying after school with the right sounds to set the mood for successful study sessions.

A home fitted with smart devices can also be especially useful to people that are aging, or worried about elderly parents. These devices are great for individuals with Alzheimer’s and/or dementia, with sensors that can be set to notify them or a family member if a door has been left open or if the stove has been left on, or when a door has been unexpectedly opened or left open. In addition, smart devices that monitor health can provide data on cardiac and respiratory health for optimal healthcare. Similarly, remotely monitored smart cameras and smart motion detectors provide an extra layer of protection and peace of mind for family members from afar, without compromising the independence of their loved ones.

Comfort and Personalization

A network of smart devices will study your preferences and learn your routines, from the contents of your fridge and the temperature of your air conditioning system to the kind of mood music that helps you wake up or fall asleep, the lighting and sounds of your dinner routines and movie watching, it is all learned. Whether it’s via your smartphone, your remotes, or voice commands with your smart speakers, interacting with smart devices is simple.


While smart homes bring an element of luxury to a home, it’s their ability to provide an extra level of security that could well be their most meaningful benefit in the long run. From simple devices like smart doorbells that offer video surveillance and two-way audio that can alert you to and record activity at your front door. A smart home equipped with the right system also enables you to check every security feature of your home in an instant. Using your smartphone, you can lock your doors, set your motion detectors, and check your surveillance cameras.

Save Energy and Save Money

Smart homes are good for the planet AND good for your budget! Recent studies show that smart devices can save up to 20% in energy costs. From smart lights and smart thermostats that adjust when they’re not needed to intelligent appliances that run to optimal efficiency, smart devices enable you to control your energy usage and costs.  They can do this not just by the way they operate, but also through the feedback they give.

With the right network in place, you can sit back and let your smart home do the work to create the perfect oasis. Greater comfort, convenience, and efficiency take the little stresses out of daily life and gives you the chance to fully enjoy the moment. If we can help with any of these smart home needs, contact us to get started!