Home Automation Trends For 2022

If there's one thing that we know for sure, it’s that the world of technology is constantly changing! We carry pocket-sized general-purpose computers that are more powerful than desktop computers right in our pockets! Technology keeps moving forward rapidly. Smart home automation is, of course, no exception and is an exciting area of technology advancement! Some specific areas of smart home advancement that wea rea seeing take off for 2022 are:

Voice Control

Voice control is a popular way to assist with smart homes when your hands are full, and it’s only getting better. The smart speaker technology that makes it happen gets more powerful every year, and every voice assistant, from Alexa to Siri, is learning new tricks. The good news is that they understand you better and get things right the first time, plus they are improving at understanding context too. Look for top-tier automation solutions like Control4, Crestron, and Lutron to strengthen their voice control skills, allowing your smart home to integrate even more features into their voice control options. Hey Siri, open the shades. Hey Alexa…. dim the lights. Hey Siri, Start the coffee. All of these things are available now, with even more coming!

Energy Efficiency

Most people are familiar with smart lighting and thermostats. The key to energy efficiency for these features is their learning capabilities. Over time, the software behind these devices gathers data about your habits and can automate things like temperature control based on patterns, indoor motion, outside weather, sunlight, and more. It happens naturally, so it all seems normal. Your lights come on to the right level at the right times, and the temperature always synchs with your body’s rhythms without intervention. This is what home automation should be, to keep your smart home smarter!

Smart Security

Another area that is making big jumps in smart home this year is smart security. Smart, connected sensors are adding multiple capabilities, like detecting heat and humidity, movement, water intrusion, and more. These sensors are getting smaller, easier to place, and overall easier to use. Know when you leave the house unlocked, know who is coming and going from your home. Other sensors combine smoke, carbon monoxide, and heat detection for safety. Security cameras continue to get better resolution and smart quality. Now you can know if the movement is an animal or a person, or vehicle on your property. Set your parameters and know what is happening in those areas. All of these smarter security options help keep your people and property safer!  

Want to see how you can benefit from the latest home automation technology? Contact us anytime here We look forward to working with you soon!