Staycation vs. Vacation

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Last year the world shut down and nobody was able to travel. That made the Vacation/Staycation choice an easy one. This year, it’s a different story. The world is opening back up, many are vaccinated and travel is happening again. Will you chose to vacation, or will you stay home this year? Will you invite friends and family to stay with you for your staycation, or keep it to just your family? Read on to see the pros and cons to each option.


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Staying home this year, don't miss out on the shows and excitement! One of the most fun parts of vacations is to see the shows and excitement around. Staying home doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on that excitement. Create your dream theater space to enjoy all of the luxury at home. Pop up some popcorn and watch the latest and greatest on your new home theater. Most new movies are being offered straight to stream now too so you can catch them right out of the gate!

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Staying home can be fun, especially if you are inviting friends and family to stay with you. Hosting a staycation is easier with a keypad lock. A keypad lock will help allow visiting friends and family to come and go at their leisure with far less stress. Programming a code is easier than remembering to get a physical key to and from someone. There is a reason that VRBO and Air B&B’s have gone to this format for keys……it simply is the easiest way. Text a code to your visitors, and they will have it right there on their mobile device for the length of their stay, making it easy for everyone!

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Hanging out by the pool is one of the best parts of vacation. Snacks at the cantina, good eats and fun treats are so much fun! Staying home this year is no good reason to miss out on the cantina eats and treats, create your dreams cantina space. Turn your backyard pool into an oasis with the addition of some great outdoor seating, a TV, some audio, and of course a place to enjoy a beverage or two.

Another way to embrace staying home this year is to bring all the luxury of vacation to your home . Build that outdoor oasis of your dreams! Outdoor TV's, Lighting, and Audio can help you build the perfect space to entertain or just relax. Some comfortable seating to complete the space, and instead of just the week, it will be something you can enjoy year after year!


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If you are planning a vacation, we recommend using a smart thermostat in your home to keep it comfortable while you’re away. Why have the air conditioner running all day, keeping an empty house cool when you are out of town? A smart thermostat will allow you the ability to keep temperature turned up while you are away, but set it to cool down before you return. That way you come home to a comfortable house, but you don’t waste all of that electricity keeping it cool the entire time!

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If you are taking a vacation this year and going to be away, the best way to relax and enjoy is to invest in a home security system. By installing sensors in your home, the security system will be able to detect movement or if your doors or windows are opened. This will activate an alarm that not only notifies neighbors and hopefully scares away the thief, but will also send a message to your alarm company who will alert the police. Relax on your vacation knowing that your home is protected! Take worry off your plate, and just enjoy the time away!

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If you already have a security system, a key thing to remember if you are vacationing this year is to make sure you let your alarm company know that you will be away so they know to dispatch emergency response if they cannot get ahold of you. The standard response is normally to contact the customer first, but when you are on vacation, you may not be reachable. You do not want a delay in response if they cannot get in touch with you.

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Going on vacation but don't want anyone to know? Keep your home safe with Smart home automation options that will randomly turn lights on and off throughout the day and evening, giving a realistic effect of being home even when you’re not.

No matter what you chose, to vacation or staycation this year…..make sure you stay safe and protected. Contact us to learn more about how to keep your home protected while away, or get staycation ready!