Maybe I Should Just Leave My Home Automation System When I Move?

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Getting ready to move? Do you already have an automation system, alarm, or smart home related goodies that have been custom installed at the old place? Wondering if you should take them with, or leave them behind? Read on to see what you should consider when moving into a new home that is a ‘blank slate’…

Let’s say you already have in ceiling speakers, a lower level theater, a lighting system, an alarm system, and whatever else your heart desired when you were loading up your current place with the fun stuff… and now its time to move. Do you realize it will more than likely — almost positively, end up costing more to take what you already have out of the old place to install in the new one?

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Once you factor in the labor it takes, either yours or a professional installer, you will more than likely have spent up to double what it costs just to start over with a blank slate. Think about the ever-evolving world of technology…..Most of the devices you had previously installed, are likely not to be the latest and greatest anymore. When you consider that the cost of this technology is getting more and more attainable, buying new may be the way to go. Secondly, if you add up the true cost of a custom-installed system, labor is by far your highest cost. Cut down on labor by only installing it once and save your money. Paying to have the same system installed a second time is not cost effective in most cases.

If you chose to purchase new, you will end up with a system designed around you’re new living space. Chances are you are not moving into a space that is identical to the one you are moving out of, or why would you be moving in the first place. The system you had at your old home may not offer enough coverage at the new place, or may not be the correct style that you need.

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Another thing to consider is the state of the home you are leaving. The new homeowners will have one heck of a time dealing with the mess you left at the old place. Sometimes people leave cut wires hanging out of the walls everywhere they had a device. No labels, nothing indicating what was there. It is going to cost them a heck of a lot more in parts and labor just to get the system back to where it was. Take it from the professionals, that is not a great move! If you chose to leave the system behind, you can always include it in the listing for the home. People are willing to pay a little extra to not have to do it themselves, and you are saving them the hassle.

In the end, the choice is yours — you may be the hardcore DIY type - installation is no problem for you, and you like tinkering; working through installation issues that arise, by yourself. You still need to consider all of the hassle and time it will take in the end, and the materials needed to put your former residence back together for the new homeowners but if that is the choice for you and we can help in any way, let us know. Whatever choice you decide on, move the gear or leave it, Contact Us for a consultation to see if what you have is a good fit for your new space, installation on your sensitive gear, or helpful tips on moving your equipment. We are always here to help!

Check out our next blog Helpful Tips for Moving your Home Theater Equipment for more advice from the experts!