Building and Securing Your Network

Building and Securing your network has never been more important. Read on to learn more!

Building and Securing your network has never been more important. Read on to learn more!

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Stop for a moment and think about the number of devices in and around your house that rely on your home network. Today almost every home and office has a home network, and an Internet connection. Your smart home offers many benefits that enhance your lifestyle. The technology allows you to watch high-definition tv from anywhere, enjoy high-quality music inside and out, or relax at the perfect temperature. Regardless of your needs or desires, all of these features rely on your home network.

This network also allows devices like computers, tablets, phones, smart speakers, etc. to connect to each other, and to the internet. The home network is like the brain of your home and there are a lot of variables that make it work most efficiently.

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Ten years ago, this might have amounted to no more than a laptop, a desktop or two, and maybe a DVR. Today, your network is likely congested with tablets, TVs, media streamers, music systems, multiple smartphones—including those of your frequent guests—and maybe even a few appliances. And that’s not even considering the fact that the home network forms the foundation for any home automation system.

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PC gaming for home networks is considered to be on the cutting edge among gaming enthusiasts. Serious gamers will need more than just the controllers and game components, there will be internal network concerns that need to be addressed to be successful as well. When you are looking to game online on your home connection, there are a few things that are usually overlooked by most of the players. Connection settings are important if you want to avoid game lag. When setup is done correctly it can make a huge difference in performance when gaming online.

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In the Internet of Things (IoT), networking devices can be at the highest risk for Cyber Security threats. Protect your network with the proper precautions. If you are like most people, the only security measure you have in place to protect your network is a password to keep the neighbors from using your wireless. It is more about protecting your data than it is about keeping people from using your signal so keep that in mind! It is time to put more security in place, and we can help!

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When networks go down, time and productivity suffers. This will only get worse as the expectations of your network grow, and more people are working from home. The last thing you want is to experience buffering during an important video conference call as multiple household devices compete for bandwidth.

For all of your networking needs, Contact Us anytime. We have certified and trained professionals ready and waiting to help design your perfect home or business network.