Back To School Success With Home Automation

With summer coming to an end it’s time to get back into the swing of routines for the whole family with the start of the new school year! We all know how stressful the typical weekday can be for the entire family, but fortunately, we can offer several solutions to streamline and simplify your life. We can help make the back-to-school season a breeze with Smart Home Automation. More and more families are turning their houses into smart homes. The global smart home market is forecast to grow to 53.45 billion U.S. dollars in size by 2022, according to Statista. Improved security, convenience, comfort, control, accessibility and cost savings are just a few of the reasons why this technology is gaining in popularity.

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With a smart home automation system, you can create a “Wake Up” scene that automatically adjusts the thermostat and gradually turns up the lights each morning. Program the smart shades to rise in your children’s bedrooms to wake them automatically. Let Mother Nature drag your kids out of bed for you.
Create custom routines in the Alexa app to get mornings moving. You can start them using your voice, an alarm, or a time. For example, when you say “Alexa, good morning,” Alexa can kick off your day with the weather forecast, followed by words of inspiration and news updates. Turn on lights, play music, get the kids moving!

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You can use your smart home to set a "homework" scene that turns off TV’s, boots up computers, and flashes the lights to notify the kids it’s time to get their school work done. All from the push of a button, or a few taps on your phone. Keep the kids on track this year.

You can also keep everyone on schedule by monitoring tv and gaming times. Easily schedule your media to turn off at certain times to take the fight out of it.

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With real-time monitoring, you can check in to see if your children have left home for school, and if they have come back home on time. School routine means coming and going, and mornings can be hectic! Use your smart home's intuitive technology to set routines to make sure nothing gets overlooked. These same technologies can help also you manage the comings and goings by providing real-time alerts when people come and go from your property. Are they leaving in enough time to make it to sports practice? Did they leave before their homework was done? Are they going to be late for school? Keep everyone on track this year and take the guesswork out of it all.

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See who’s at the door! Installing video doorbell is an excellent idea as it helps your children see who is at the door without opening it when you aren’t home. It also allows you to know when someone comes or goes from your home. Keeping kids safe as the come and go has never been easier! Install video doorbells or two-way intercom devices and keyless entry technologies to easily see anyone who approaches or enters the home.. Verify the visitor from wherever you are before allowing the delivery. Protect your people your property when you are home or away.

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If you have a hard time putting the kids to bed, our smart home automation system can help. Easily schedule the lights, TV, and entertainment systems to turn off around bedtime, which helps create a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Our smart lighting routines have “Go To Sleep” routines to turn lights to preset color and dim levels and fade them over time from 15 to 60 minutes to lull little ones to sleep.
Parents everywhere are familiar with the "one more story" ordeal at bedtime. Let your smart home help! Tell your kids their bedtime story, tuck them in and say goodnight! When they ask for "just one more story" a great compromise is to let your smart speaker tell them just one more. Pro-tip: If you have Google Assistant, you could even record and share your own bedtime stories.

The first few weeks of transitioning from the carefree summer months to scheduled school days are rough on kids and parents, let us and your smart home automation help. By the time you fall into bed at night in those first few weeks, you are simply exhausted! Hit the “Goodnight” button to secure your home, set your thermostat, turn off the lights, all from the comfort of your bed! Ready to improve your everyday life? We can help make your life more efficient by adding a comforting layer of security and convenience to your family’s home.

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Contact us anytime to learn more about these home automation hacks to make this school year the easiest yet! There is no need to have added stress with the daily routines, so let us help!