Battery Backup Devices and Power Surge Protection Part 2

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In part 2 of our Power Surge and Battery Backup Blog series we are going to discuss the specifics of UPS devices. What are they, and why do you need them for your smart home? Learn more here and as always, contact us for more help in finding the right one for your specific needs.

What types of power problems do I have? 
Many people are aware of only one type of power problem: a blackout. This is when the power goes out and stays out for a few seconds up to a few days. But, many more common power problems exist. 

What are common power problems? 
For now, let’s define possible power problems you might experience: 

  • Surge – A brief, but intense, spike in electricity commonly caused by lightning. Surges can damage and destroy electronics, and the intense “spike in electricity” or spike in voltage and current harms circuit boards and components. 

  • Blackout – A power outage lasting anywhere from seconds to days. These are most commonly caused by severe weather, utility power shortages, accidents, and power grid failures. 

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  • Brownout – An intentional or unintentional drop in voltage for an extended period of time. In emergency conditions, power companies may lower the voltage of your electricity to reduce strained resources and avoid a total blackout. 

  • Voltage Sags – A sag is also a type of under voltage, but, unlike a brownout, it’s sudden and brief. 

  • Over Voltage – Occurs when incoming voltage is higher than normal and lasts longer than a surge but not high enough to be classified as a surge or spike. 

Do I need a Battery Backup?

Besides just supplying backup power, a good UPS also protects devices against the potentially damaging effects of power surges. These surges can damage sensitive devices such as televisions, thermostats, smart speakers and even routers. Even appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners can cause surges as they cycle on and off. If you have a smart home, or even a semi-smart home, you can benefit from a battery backup. One option for protecting against surges is plugging devices into a power strip with surge protection built in. The other is a UPS that offers surge protection, in which case you don’t need a separate surge protector strip.

A small investment in a UPS can protect you against damage to your smart devices and the risk of losing your place on your favorite Netflix show by backing up your router to ensure internet connectivity.


Contact us to find out the right UPS device for your needs and keep your home protected.