Smart Home Automation - The Investment to Increase Home Value

Smart Home Automation - invest to increase home value

Whether it is a smart thermostat or automated lighting, there is no doubt that home automation helps make your home more fun, but it also helps save you money. It’s a great investment in your home property, and a convenient and safe addition to your family residence. It may be a big cost up front, but the monthly savings and the added value of the home for resale, you will be sure to recoup that cost in the end, likely many times over. Let’s talk some specifics on the savings smart home technology brings to your home and how it can pay off by boosting your property value.

 A Smarter, More Convenient Home

One of the best parts about home automation the versatility. With so many smart devices available, you can pick the components and build the home experience that suits your family the best. With the right system in place, you can connect anything from lighting to the temperature and shades, that can easily be controlled right from a smartphone or tablet.

With advanced presets, scenes and scheduling, a smart thermostat can slash your heating and cooling bills, saving money every month without sacrificing comfort. You can even invest in some peace-of-mind with a smart security system, putting everything from door and window locks to doorbells and security cameras right at your fingertips.

A Valuable Investment

The exciting perks that you enjoy while owning a smart home can also make it a great asset when selling it! When you choose to list your home or have appraised, all of the smart home technology can be added and will add value to your home’s resale. Smart thermostats can bring savings up to 20% to the new homeowner in heating and cooling costs. Adding a few smart lights will cut energy costs, and a good real estate agent will certainly be able to market these assets. A recent study stated that more than 80% of home buyers place an emphasis on energy-efficient features, so that is great news for the property value of anyone with these smart home additions. That same survey stated that more than 75% of people in the market for a new home put security at the top of their concerns list when buying a home, a convenient and powerful smart security system is an excellent way to boost your property value.

Most importantly, these high-tech features allow you to appeal to the younger generation who desire to own a home equipped with current automation technology. These are the current home seekers, so it is important to appeal to them, and to reach them on their level. With millennials representing the largest and fastest growing segment of home buyers in the country, it is important to have what they are looking for to make your home the one they want.


How to Smarten Up Your Home

Before you add any new technology to your home, there are a few factors to consider. As we mentioned above, a smart thermostat is nearly always a good investment thanks to its broad appeal and ability to save money on your monthly utility bills. A smart security system is also a wise and versatile buy, as many smart security systems are also compatible with a wide range of other automation devices, providing a convenient all-in-one network to monitor and control various aspects of your home. Smart lighting is a great choice as well. The convenience of remotely controlled lighting is obvious, but it offers a chance for some real savings as well. A significant portion of lighting energy is wasted by lights that are left on even when they aren't needed.

If your home isn't already outfitted with smart technologies, investing in a few smart home features is an excellent way to improve your daily life as a homeowner while also enjoying a boost in your property values. Whether you start slow or jump into the deep end, it's hard to go wrong with a smarter, more efficient, more convenient home. Contact us anytime for a consultation.