Resolve to Find Balance

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As we say goodbye to 2020, a year that left us all questioning everything, it is natural to resolve for a better 2021. The standard resolutions: eat better, exercise more, quit a bad habit, take better care of yourself….are all great resolutions, but after the year we just had, we may need to step up our resolutions a bit this year.

What if, instead, we tried “find balance” as a resolution. We went from crazy busy all of the time, to home always. We went from working out at the gym, to building and utilizing a home gym, working in an office, to zoom calls in our home office, eating at home, to takeout, curbside and homemade recipes. We shopped on-line and picked up curbside and we learned at home, and how to be at home. We went from one extreme to another in 2020……maybe there is some middle ground we can find in 2021.


Our app comes with four scene buttons that can be set to coordinate the smart devices in your home to complete a complex, multi-step process.

Leaving home? Just tap the Away Scene and have the garage door close, the lights turn off, the thermostat adjust, the security system arm itself, and the doors lock. When you return, Geo-Services ensures a warm welcome and a well-lit home, automatically as these all reset to your home scene when you arrive. Geo Winter .jpg

Ready for bed? Tap the ‘Sleep' Scene. Your home will secure itself with "Arm Stay" status, and your thermostat will dial back to a comfortable sleeping temperature. The doors can automatically lock to ensure safety as you head to bed.

Your house; your rules; your Scenes. Every home and family is different, which is why we made it easy to customize, alter and create your own Scenes. Set Dinner time, have the lights dim and the background music start automatically. Cooking scene sets the lights, the fans, and the door locks, as well as the mood music to ensure comfort and safety.

For other tasks and occasions, you can create new Scenes from scratch and have them appear in your app. You can include actions for your security system, smart locks, garage door, lights, smart thermostat and even your home's water supply.


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Keep your home comfy and cozy this winter without driving up the energy bills. The smart thermostat helps maximize the energy efficiency, when you are home or when you are away. Use wireless temperature sensors in different rooms of your home to ensure comfort throughout your home, Maybe it's a comfortable 72 on lower floors but too warm at 76 degrees upstairs. When you're heading upstairs to bed, you can tell your smart thermostat to optimize your home's temperature until the bedroom sensor registers 72.

No matter what you resolved for 2021, lets all agree to leave the bad of 2020 behind, and embrace the opportunities of a brand new year! Discover a new sense of security and be kind to yourself this year. Whatever the year has in store, we can help you be ready and keep you connected and secure.